Matthias Mehldau
The Hiveeyes Project
GrafanaConONline 2020
AmsterdamCyberspace, May, 14th20th 2020
If a dashboard fails, have a look at the static version of these slides (PDF).
meteogram: past & future
how are the bees?
how is the weather for bees?
compare nearby stations
compensation at high humidities
solution: manually generate a combined-list (using lon/lat)
to access different station-IDs with consecutive variable-queries
°C ≠ K -- but + 273.15 is
m/s ≠ km/h -- but × 3.6 is
sec/1hr ≠ min/10min -- but ÷ 3600 is
does nectar/pollen get harvested or eaten?
drying of nectar
in winter: will feed last until spring?
controlling population/size of hive
detection if honey flow stalls
planning of harvest
theft and other horseplays
35±1°C inside hive? Brood: ✓! Queen: ✓!
mulitple sensors: position and size of brood-nest
planning of medical treatment
enough temperature, sun
not too much wind, rain
from temperature, according to Bretschko & Bergemann
official | low-cost |
e.g. Grimm EDM180 | e.g. Nova SDS011 |
vapour-particles are detected, too
assumption: values need compensation at high humidities
obviously underestimates, too
let's use official humidity data
using PostGIS for meta-data due to nearest-neighbour-search
SELECT station_id FROM ldi_network WHERE sensor_type_name = 'SDS011' ORDER BY geopoint <-> 'POINT($irceline_station_lon $irceline_station_lat)' LIMIT $limit;
import "math"
PM2.5 = from(bucket:"luftdaten_info")
|> range(start:-7d)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "ldi_readings" and
r._field == "pm-2-5" and
r.sta_name == "$ldi_id"
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1h, fn: mean)
humidity = from(bucket:"vmm")
|> range(start:-7d)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "irceline_readings" and
r._field == "humidity" and
r.sta_name == "$irceline_id"
|> aggregateWindow(every: 1h, fn: mean)
join(tables: {pm: PM2.5, hum: humidity}, on: ["_time"])
|> map(fn: (r) => ({
_time: r._time,
_value: r._value_pm / math.pow(x: 1.0-(r._value_hum*0.01), y: -0.3),
_field: "PM2.5 (, humidity-corrected with Hänel-formula"
Matthias Mehldau